Complete Bespoke Solutions
Our Inclined Platform collection provides a range of platform lifts that can be adapted to suit a property style and architectural needs in both public and private buildings. As a trusted trade partner of these versatile products, we are proud to add these access solutions to our portfolio.
Space is one of the UK's most sought after commodities, so its no surprise that the lack of space in both commercial and residential buildings is rife. Being able to utilise existing staircases without the necessity for major structural building works, its no surprise the popularity in these products have risen, a lot.
In the UK, Our Inclined Platform Lift Collection stands out for something different, where year after year, new platform lifts and refreshed designs have been introduced, keeping pace with continually evolving architectural trends and reliability
Cost Effective

Each platform lift can be adapted to suit your property style and architectural needs perfectly. A stable and strong lifting mechanism provides up to a 2000Kg capacity, supporting special floor finishes and all barrier and balustrades types.

Contemporary Designs
Create a stunning modern contemporary design, tailor made to meet your exact architectural and interior style requirements. Our platform lifts are available in a huge choice of beautifully crafted materials including timber, bronze, brass, cast replica materials, replica wrought iron, stone and steel finished in all RAL paint codes and metallic powder coats. Your own choice of platform finish can be laid in tray whether its, stone, slate, tiles or timber.
Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lifts, Platform Lift installers in Kent, Platform Lift installers in London, Platform Lift installers in Dartford, Platform Lift repairs, Platform Lift servicing, Platform Lift supplier, Platform Lifts for homes, Platform Lifts for restaurants, Platform Lifts for public buildings, Platform Lifts for heritage buildings, Platform Lifts for schools, Platform Lifts for libraries, Platform Lifts for universities, Platform Lifts for conservation buildings, Platform Lifts for cinemas, Platform Lifts for commercial offices, Platform Lifts for retail, Platform Lifts for shops

Why An Inclined Platform Lift?
Inclined Platform Lifts are designed to bridge the gap between accessible spaces, and cost effective solutions. Commonly the installation of platform lifts are a negotiation of cost, and space.
Using our range of Garaventa Inclined Platform Lifts, we can provide a solution which reduces this negotiation to a minimum. Using the existing staircase as our installation area, whilst keeping the adequate distances for access. We ensure our Inclined Platform Lifts are a suitable solution.

Contact Us Today for Lift Installations & Repairs
From bespoke design installations to the highest quality of repairs, D.K Lift Services Ltd will exceed your expectations for all your lift and disabled access needs.
To enquire about our products and services, please give us a call on 0203 633 8129 and one of our friendly team members will be happy to help.